Don't Fall Prey to Victim Mentality


Don't Fall Prey to Victim Mentality
Don't Fall Prey to Victim Mentality

Relationship is everything. Attitudes can help you get there or hinder your progress, regardless of what the end goal is, and one of the most damaging attitudes anyone can adopt is a victim mentality.

What is the mentality of the victim?

A hurt mentality is a negative mindset. He blames other people and circumstances for his unhappy state. The proverb "Pointing the finger".

People with a victim mentality view life through a narrow lens of pessimism, believing that what happens in life is the result of external causes. Internal reflection is never considered. Being a victim means blaming yourself. Nothing wrong with them! People who are involved in the victim mentality often enjoy the attention, sympathy, and validation they receive from playing this "poor me" role.

When we are sacrificed, it is not how strong we are, but how weak we are.

Sweet old parents, loving, committed mothers and fathers, teenagers, and even the so-called "spiritually awakened" can all live in this winning zone.

In fact, every living person has played a role more than once in the life of the victim.

Victims want to be mentally prepared for the worst and saddest, and for those who live in the victim's shoes, self-deprecating behavior is better because they believe that "disaster is waiting around the next corner."

So how can we break free of the pessimistic programming that most of us have developed and adopted in childhood?

It all starts with your own perception / how you treat yourself at home.

Survive embrace life and flow with it. They live in the present and are in control of their lives. They are fully aware that they are solely responsible for what happened. They know they have the right to take responsibility for their lives and change their lives.

The victim, on the other hand, felt sorry for himself and answered and retreated in life. They believe that they have no power to change the situation, which is the key to avoid responsibility. They live guardedly and freeze in time without moving forward because their intuition tells them they are powerless.

The cost of victim mentality is high. It affects every aspect of life – professional and personal. Those who see themselves as failures live in a sacrificial hood, because failure only comes to those who give up.

If we really want to get away from the victim mentality, we have to have one first. We can't change what we don't have. We have to change our attitude and know that "change starts with me". You have to accept safety and take action... to achieve some goal, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the moment.

Most importantly, we must continue to empower ourselves with "I can" and "I will" statements and minimize "I can't" or "I won't" statements and beliefs.

And we must embrace gratitude, which is the greatest of all gestures. Every day, we should spend time thinking about all the things that make us happy, the things that happen in our lives. Focusing our thoughts/energy on positive situations helps resist victim mentality.

Finally, we must respect ourselves with the same level of respect and love that we try to give to others. Only then will our thoughts and actions move from the hood of sacrifice to survival mode.

Actually, we cannot control the actions of others or every situation in our lives, but we can control how we treat them. You don't have to be a victim. This is a choice. Whatever it is, we should see it as a challenge, not an excuse.

Are you looking for a powerful partner to get rid of the negative tapes that keep repeating in your head? Don't look to your local gym. Getting your "happy, feel-good" hormones going by getting your blood flowing and working hard is one of the best ways to overcome negativity, overcome victim mentality, and continue to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.

- Gautama Buddha

Victims need to understand that small changes in behavior and attitude can have huge rewards.

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